A giant leap for construction machinery technology

Gone are the days when construction workers used ropes, pulleys and levers to lift heavy materials and build structures. Today, with the advent of modern construction equipment, not only has construction work picked up pace but it has made the lives of construction workers much easier. Now, construction work can be completed with greater precision and in a shorter period of time as compared to before.

Bulldozers, backhoes, cranes and cement mixing trucks rely on hydraulics for enhanced performance. A hydraulic machine uses a circuit to generate power, which ultimately helps in lifting heavy objects and materials. A pump that is generally powered by either gasoline or diesel engine compresses fluid that is transmitted to a cylinder. The cylinder is fitted with a piston and it moves when compressed fluid presses against it. Once the fluid is released, the piston returns inside the cylinder. A hydraulic system is a great invention in the construction industry, which is efficient and provides consistent output. Another advantage of a hydraulic system is that the hydraulic fluid operates well under extreme heat. This way, the performance of the machine is not affected by extreme weather conditions and climatic changes.

Computers are used widely in construction equipment such as cranes and bulldozers. A computer calculates the loads with a front-end loader and provides an accurate measurement of the fuel that is available in the tank of the equipment. Computers are also integrated with tools to adjust torque and measurements during the installation of fasteners and hardware pieces.

Global Positioning System, also known as GPS, is slowly gaining importance in the construction industry. The GPS, once installed in construction equipment, can help workers to pinpoint a spot within several inches of a designated location. GPS reduces the construction time significantly as things can proceed smoothly without elaborate surveys and manual measurements.

We all agree that during the construction process, a lot of waste is generated. Today, every organisation is focusing on sustainable development and recycling to conserve the environment. Even in the construction industry, steps are being taken to reduce the amount of waste and its impact on the environment. Many construction companies reuse left-over materials from one project for subsequent projects. Also, many organisations are turning to construction machines which are less polluting in nature. With a significant reduction in harmful diesel emissions, the world will be a better and a healthier place for us and the future generations.